Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't Try This At Home, Kids

This is a layout that I did at my LSS Paper! Paper! at a crop. She'd found this awesome Little Yellow Bicycle Sketch online and made it a challenge for the day, so because I can't resist a challenge, off I went. Yes, those are indeed silhouetted photos that you're seeing. Back in October of 2000, when I started scrapbooking, I was smugly sure that I wouldn't mind cutting up priceless family photos (and not very well either, mind you) into odd shapes and/or silhouettes. I was also smugly sure that those lovely Paper Pizazz and Precious Moments papers would be the way I'd want to represent my photos forever. As hard as it is to believe, I was absolutely wrong. After my scrapbooking had progressed a bit and I stopped doing 8x10 AND hacking away at my photos, I redid some of those horrible pages and others I just took apart to do again some other day. I rescanned the photos and tried to trim them a bit better and have had to come up with creative ways to sort of fix the horrible mistake I made. So anyway, this long winded description explains what is going on in this page. I can't believe I hacked up photos of me meeting my beautiful niece, Samantha, for the first time. (I'd also cut the bottom of the photos of my mother with decorative edged scissors. Ugh.) So, don't try it at home, kids. It's not worth the pain. Silhouetting your pictures will only lead to heartache. So, back to this layout. I'm also endeavoring to use up old products along with my new. I'm not sure where this paper all came from, but it looks like some old stack papers. I used some of the papers to cover the flourishes, added some lace and used the Cricut for the title. I still look at it and see those blaring silhouettes but what's done is done.


Penny said...

Great way to save a layout! I feel you, I cut up some of my photos too! YIKES that was a bad idea, I wish someone would have stopped me then! Love Penny Scrap-aholic@blogspot.com

Lisa said...

Great take on the sketch, nice layout.

Steph said...

Cute layout! I love your photo collage.

Patricia Roebuck said...

To me...it doesn't matter what you did to the photos...it's documented and how priceless to look back on!

Danielle said...

Cute page!

Tanya Ham said...

It's a double-edge sword, isn't it? On one hand, it is quite amusing to look back at the mid-to-late 90's scrapbook trends ... but then, you kick yourself for cutting up photos (I'm VERY guilty of this too). Would've loved to have seen the original LO posted with the new one! :)

scrappymo! said...

I have done this too...seemed like a good idea at the time...right???

Mary said...

That's a great sketch and a really cute layout!!

Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

great sketch and love layout! I remember those trend--thanksfully I stopped after the first crop picture i did and realize i didn't liek that style at all... I'm sure there isalot out there that feel that too. but you did great here. love how it turn out for you.

Tanya Ham said...

Just wanted to let you know that I picked you for a blog award! The post will be on my blog tomorrow morning, so stop by and grab your badge! :)

Unknown said...

Love it, Aunt Steph! I loved that you still managed to use a botched photo and make it look way classier than how it was messed up. I've made the same mistake before too, and vowed never to go back! Lol. :)

P.S. I see you are becoming more legit. You get a badge! That's exciting in blog land! :D

Tammy said...

LOL - I have some silhouetted photos on my early pages too! Maybe one day I'll redo them too. Love how you updated your photos with that fun sketch. :)

The Artful Diva said...

You have an amazing collection of brads!

D's Paper Studio said...

Two thumbs up!

Tracy said...

I think you did the best with the cut out photos.
Looks great.
I also did the now- nonos.
But I won't be changing my layouts. As not only does it show how the craft has changed, but I have memories on who I was with when I made them.